the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Category: Advertising and Marketing (Page 7 of 7)

Not On Target


Having written about television commercials yesterday, I should admit that I like commercials.  My favorites are those produced for Target.  Created by the advertising agency Peterson Milla Hooks/Minneapolis ( I googled it), they’re hip, colorful, and fun.  They win all sorts of awards.

Yesterday, I went to Target to buy a wok.  The store wasn’t very exciting.  The lines was long.  The experience was only a notch better than going to Kmart.   Can a commercial be too clever for its own good?  I know dancing girls don’t show up when I drink a can of Coke, but I felt I was burned.  I was sold a Target experience, but it wasn’t there.  As much as I don’t like Starbucks, they do a good job at providing a "Starbucks" experience.   This should be something advertisers think about — when there is a big disconnect between hype and reality. 

Maybe I should look forward to the time when advertisers will be totally ignoring me.  By 50, you should be smart enough not to buy into the hype of advertisers. You should be wise enough to realize that life is too short to watch another Snuggles commercial.  Read a book, have sex, watch "American Idol" and skip the commercials with the Tivo.

Next time, I’ll go to Costco.  Even though Costco doesn’t have any trendy ads, at least they give out free samples of chili. 

Never Trust Anyone Over 50

Next week is the TV industry’s "upfront" presentations in New York and many over age 50 are complaining that the broadcast networks are ignoring their demographic group (via the new Huffington Post).

Catering almost exclusively to the young might seem counterproductive. More than half the nation’s wealth is in the hands of people over 50, who spend an estimated $2 trillion a year on products and services.

But advertising experts say that when they aim commercials at young people, they also get older folks — while the opposite is rarely the case. People over 50 watch more TV and thus are easier for the networks to reach. The younger demo, busy with work and family and tempted by myriad entertainment choices, is more difficult to corral.

Of course, it’s easy to forget that it is this exact "Never Trust Anyone Over 30" demographic group who created (and got rich off of) the youth culture of the 60’s.  Karma, baby.

I’ve always thought cultures that look up to their elders make for a healthier society.  After all, one day, even the copywriters of Boost Mobile ads will be walking with canes.

And Now a Message from Our Hubcap

Today, as I was driving down La Cienega, I saw a taxi that that was advertising "Smallville" on all four of its hubcaps.   I started to imagine the meeting that must have taken place at some marketing agency —

Marketing guru:  "Hey, we’ve turned buses and cars into travelling advertisements, how about the hubcaps?" 

I have nothing against new forms of advertising… but hubcaps?   Is that really going to excite the general public into watching a TV show on the WB? 

I figured this hubcap mania was already going on in New York, home to the great taxis of America, but the only hubcap advertisement company I could find was in Great Britain. 

(via Hubads)

With summer quickly approaching, I offer a new idea in guerrilla marketing:


Blame it on the Sea Monkeys

I really wanted to get one of those cool mirrors that hang in the shower and don’t fog up.  What joy it would be — I could shave in the shower!   Yesterday, I was with Sophia in Big Lots.   They had one for $6.98.  Sophia said it was a piece of junk and that I should buy one from Sharper Image.   I didn’t listen.  How bad could it be?  The box said it was guaranteed.

After my first shower with the mirror, here’s the moral of the story.   It is a piece of junk.

I felt the need to console myself, to remind myself that I’m not usually a consumer of crappy products that don’t live up to their advertising.

This afternoon, I was browsing the web when I came to Steve Conley’s cool site, a “look at some of the best, most-memorable, and most-audacious ads from American comic books.”

I came face to face with my past, a part of my life that I have been trying to hide from.   Here, laughing at me from my Samsung screen was the product that forced me into this life of bad consumerism.   Yes, damn you, sea monkeys!

(via Steve Conley)

American Apparel… Hey, Zip Up Your Fly!

This morning I was in a grouchy mood reading about Robert Blake in my local Coffee Bean on Wilshire Blvd.   I decided to toss the LA Times and read the Los Angeles City Beat, one of those freebie independents in which you can learn about the latest cinema from Hungary and order an Asian escort at the same time.

On the back of the City Beat was a full-page ad for some company called American Apparel.  The company’s calling card was that their clothes were “Made in downtown LA.  Sweatshop Free – Brand-free Clothes.

I knew nothing about them, but I had seen their ads before, always with some half-dressed, thin,  pseudo-ethnic-looking girl pouting at me.  Since I was still pissed off from my “size-14” Beverly Center experience (see here),  I started ranting in my head about this company.

Here were more bad role models for young women on display.   The model looked like an underage porn star.  And what’s with this “brand-free” nonsense?   (read about Naomi Klein and the anti-brand movement.   And by the way, American Apparel, what’s with the big trademark symbol after your name?  That’s your brand!  And that pouty girl in her bathing suit.  That’s your brand, too!

I went home and checked out the American Apparel’s web page.   I did a 180.  The villain turned into a hero.  Senior partner Dov Charney seemed to care about his employees.

Charney’s socially responsible initiatives have included affordable health care for employees and their families, immigration support, free English and computer classes, subsidized lunches and bus passes, as well as a commitment to paying decent wages (averaging over $12.50/hour) for the company’s nearly 1,500 workers.

The NY Times wrote a glowing review on Dov Charney.   Here’s what CNN’s Lou Dobbs has to say about American Apparel (in QuickTime).  And guess what! — despite the skinny girls in the ads, American Apparel actually sells clothes to real live American woman in  L and XL.

I felt ashamed for judging a shirt by a label, or in this case, the lack of a label.  This was one of the good guys.  I decided to give Mr. Charney my first “Citizen of the Month” award for being a cool guy.

I decided to Google-up some more positive biographical information about the guy, not realizing that I wasn’t the first one who wanted to know more.   And I learned more.  You can learn a lot more about Dov Charney at Jewlicious, including his fondness for masturbation and his experience playing with himself in front of Jane Magazine reporter Claudine Ko.

I don’t know this guy and I don’t really care.  What interests me is that there is a fine line between a hero and a creep.   If he’s doing some good work, is it OK that he likes to run around his office in his underwear?  Not to compare this crazy Charney with one of America’s founding fathers, but is Thomas Jefferson any less of a hero since we learned about his connection to slavery?   What about JFK, FDR, Martin Luther King and their affairs?

So why did my opinion of this guy go down the toilet after hearing this?

Do we know too much dirt about society’s good guys to look up to them anymore?

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