Me: "My Tivo is so stupid."
You: "How stupid is it?"
Me: "My Tivo is so stupid that when it saw I was watching all these poker shows, it started recommending that I watch "Full House."
the writing and photography of Neil Kramer
Me: "My Tivo is so stupid."
You: "How stupid is it?"
Me: "My Tivo is so stupid that when it saw I was watching all these poker shows, it started recommending that I watch "Full House."
I don’t like to toot my own horn, but lately, I’ve been living quite a glamorous life. As a trend-setter, I’m invited to all sorts of openings, events, and theater. Frankly, I feel a little sorry for your dreary lives, but I hope by telling you about my experiences, you can feel a little bit better about yourselves by just knowing me, and impressing your friends with that information.
Last night I went to the premiere of a new theatrical piece that’s coming over here straight from London. Most of you are just too "out-of-the-loop" to have heard about this play, but I was given a unique opportunity to see it before the general public. The piece is quite interesting, as it is a play with music, but rather than a traditional story, it is based on the poetry of a well-known British poet, T. S. Eliot. The show revolves around a cast of feline characters, so the title is very apt, "Cats." There are several memorable songs and some surprising special stage effects. I predict that this play will be quite successful, although I doubt the "Average Joes" who make up my readership will be able to get these exclusive tickets very easily.
Back to reality —
Yes, hell froze over. I saw "Cats" because someone gave Sophia two tickets. Actually, I love musicals, but I always promised myself that I would never see "Cats." It sounded really boring, even though I like the poetry of the anti-Semitic T.S. Eliot. I wish I could give you a complete review of the show, but I won’t, mostly because I fell asleep in the middle. How can this thing be running for 25 years? What the hell was that about? Some cats meet up and choose which cat deserves to go to heaven? Are these cats Mormon cats? That was one bizarre show!
My seeing such an old show makes me think about another issue. Who can I talk to about this show? Everyone I know already saw the show fifteen years ago, and it was 10 years old already. I notice that this is a growing problem with movies and TV shows as well. With the growth of DVDs and Tivo, fewer people are watching the same shows at the same time, or even on the same night. What’s going to happen to watercooler talk if half of the office still hasn’t watched last night’s big "Grey’s Anatomy" episode because it’s still on their Tivo.
Have you ever rented a movie that you haven’t seen, let’s say Forrest Gump, and you loved it. You’re busting out of your seams wanting to talk about it, but everyone else saw it years ago. What can you do? If you went into work the next day and said, "Hey, I saw Forrest Gump last night. What did you think of it?," everyone would think you’re an idiot.
Remember the old days, when millions of viewers all watched M*A*S*H together at the same time, including the commercials.
Anyway, I finally saw "Cats" 25 years after it opened. What did you think of it?
Today on Blogebrity: Daddy Blogs (Rude Cactus and Dadcentric)
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