A bookmark made with clay beads customized to look like your pet rats.
A "Death Clock" interactive CD telling you how many more years you have to live.
Balltrimmer, America’s #1 male pubic hair trimmer
A cupcake holder that will prevent a cupcake from being bounced, jiggled, or turned upside down.
A painting from the Mafia Art Gallery.
The Bulge, a realistic "package enhancer" for swimsuit or underwear.
A collection of belly button adornments.
A 35mm camera that looks like a medium order of French fries.
The Osama Bin Ladin action figure.
A personalized pair of ear muffs modeled after a woman’s vulva.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I love you.
Has anyone ever given or received an "interesting" Father’s Day gift that they would like to share?