Dear Ms. Keaton,
We have a new mayor here in Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa. I wish him well as I know you do. It is unsettling that the election only drew 30 percent of the registered voters. I absolutely agree with you in your column yesterday (in the Huffington Post) about the city’s lack of interest in the local election.
Interestingly, this same disinterested town was extraordinarily energized during the presidential election. Which makes me wonder if the love of the blockbuster out here has infected the way we see everything. We no longer care about the mid-level anything. The mayor’s race is a "small" election. Apparently we’re all waiting for the next mega-budget political extravaganza — coming to a ballot box near you in the fall of 2008.
It’s a big problem in society. The media only focuses on the blockbuster. I think I can help.
Surely you must be tired of writing your opinions on that media-driven celebrity "blockbuster" blog that’s been talked about in every newspaper in the country because of famous bloggers like you. I am mid-level stuff here at Citizen of the Month. Actually, my blog has very little readership, although I’m well-liked by my five readers (not including my mother). Dump that Huffington Post machine and come guest write for Citizen of the Month. If you really care about the "mid-level," even "small" stuff, than I am your ticket out. (I’m also a big fan of your work and once saw you shopping in Santa Monica!)
Neil at Citizen of the Month