the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Feeling it For the First Time

Surprisingly, I’ve been doing quite well in New York, away from Sophia.  We’re still talking on the phone, exchanging stories of the day.  But not every day.  I have no idea what she has been up to this month.

A few weeks ago, I called Sophia with an odd request — change my Twitter password so I wouldn’t be able to get on and waste so much time, chatting for hours about nonsense such as the correct pronunciation of “gyro.”  It was time to do some real honest WRITING.

I cheated.  I fought the law, and I won. I discovered that the Twitter app Brizzly uses a separate password, so I was able to beat the system the entire time, continuing to trade barbs with Redneck Mommy.

During the last few days, there was some internet drama going on involving other parties (when isn’t there?) and it made me feel a little sad and depressed that my mind was being polluted with this information.  I decided it was time to try my detox again.  So, I deleted Brizzley, making me sans Twitter.  I became a free man.

The first day it was a relief.  Who needs to hear all these voices talking at me?

Today is day two.   And I’m ready to be chained to my computer again.   Without these virtual “others” around — I’m finally feel the loneliness and isolation of, well, being alone.  The voices of Twitter were protecting me, distracting me from feeling.  I’m still doing OK — I’m glad that I am here — and it is better for Sophia, too — but I’m feeling it for the first time.

But I picked the right person to change my password.  There is no way I could ever convince her to change her mind.

In all honesty, I’m an only child, and comfortable being by myself, alone with my words, probably even more than most of you.  But like they say in the Bible, “Man is not good until woman hands him an apple.” (my translation)  And your mother doesn’t count as this woman.   And I’m not talking about “that” apple either, a real apple.  You know, not the real shiny apple with names like Delicious or Fuji Apple.  You get what I’m saying?


  1. slouchy

    glad you picked the right person. because i like it when you blog.

  2. V-Grrrl @ Compost Studios

    I’m with slouchy. Less Twittering means more blog posts–and more tomatoes in your basket.

  3. Nat

    Or a nice big honeycrisp apple. (Really you need to try.)

    I find myself checking twitter a lot. More than I’d like really. Feel oddly disconnect when I don’t. Like I am cut off from the world.

  4. better safe than sorry

    at some point you should be able to be alone without feeling lonely.

  5. Finn

    Twitter can be such a time suck. I like it better when you write.

  6. Heather

    I think you often underestimate what you mean to the world.
    You will come to terms with the apple.
    The rest of us are just happy that you grace us with your presence. 😉

    • Shannon


  7. kenju

    I resisted FB for months until I caved in – and I love it, but it sure is a time waster.

    I will continue to resist Twitter forever, I hope.

    I like it when you post too!

  8. Deb

    I just like you so darn much, Neil. I’m proud of you for flinging aside the cheap filler that is twitter garbage-noise for earnest writing and — earnest quiet. It’s hard to do. Now more than ever. With so many easy fillers available.

    Plus, what Sarah said.


  9. Juli

    What Heather said.

  10. mary

    I think FB and Twitter both did a great job of killing blogging. Someone can only have so much inspiration. That said, I miss when you don’t tweet. You never fail to make me smile. But I’ll be by here more often in that case. 🙂

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