Mr. T – Treat Your Mother Right
Always ask you Mom! (TV commercial)
Shir Biton, Israeli Idol 3 winner — “Eema” (Mama)
My Yiddishe Mama (TV commercial)
Jay Chou — Listen to Mother (Ting Ma Ma De Hua)
ABBA – Mama Mia on Wonderama 1976
the writing and photography of Neil Kramer
© 2025 Citizen of the Month
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A Yiddish condom-delivering mother in BELGIUM! Oui, oui, oui!
I celebrated Mother’s Day with a car accident. Now I can rest easy, I was NOT the first one to get a scratch on the new Volvo.
Nice choices, Neilochka. and thanks!
They made my mom laugh, so thanks for that! 🙂
Wooo!…. I hope they made Sophia laugh as well!…
I am thinking of Sophia. I just wanted to stop and let you know that.
Thanks, Shelli. We’ll know more tomorrow.
That’s quite a collection for Mother’s Day. Thank you. Daughter really enjoyed the first one with the little boy, but I don’t think she got the punch line and I didn’t ecplain. Sending you more good thoughts.
I can’t take my eyes off the snapping fingers of the brunette in ABBA.
No wonder the French speaking community seems so sexy. Look at their ads (I knew the yiddishe mama one, but I did not know the Always ask mom one.) How can we straighten our reputations after that !
My 9 yo son gave me flowers and a beautiful poem I published it to the face of the world (and left it in English, don’t worry). I still have some years before he will find scary videos to honor me.
God Bless your mom, Neiloshka, you’re a mensh.
Mr. T in hot pants and mis-matched knee socks. O. M. G. He definitely set the gold standard for bling. And such tender sentiments!
Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Kramer. And Sophia, I hope Neil brought you breakfast in bed.
Ha! I loved going through those 🙂
Nice mother’s day videos.
Loved the ABBA 🙂
And I hope you receive good news today!!
And Mom, thanks for NOT revealing that I forgot to mail you a mother’s day card! I don’t want to ruin my reputation.
By the way, had anyone heard of Jay Chou before? He’s huge in Asia! Nice song…
Sophia: “Nice mother’s day post. But why is the Abba song there? Mama Mia is not about mothers.”
Neil: “It’s not? “Listen to the lyrics —
Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I’ve missed you
Yes, I’ve been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know,
My my, I could never let you go.
It’s about a guy missing his mother.”
Sophia: “Jesus. Have you found a therapist yet?”
Who needs a therapist when you have a Jewish mother? Sheesh.
Therapists are for all the repressed Catholics to unload their baggage on.
Great videos for Mom’s day! And I can’t believe I’m your blog crush today! I’m blushing you sly fox, you!
Neil, I can just imagine you singing the ABBA song and rationalizing how it is a Mother’s Day song! Too cute.
Mr. T,
Wonder where that came from. That is it, I am going to unleash the full wrath of the Mr.T Blogger’s group upon you.