the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Month: February 2007 (Page 3 of 3)

One Mother, One Day, Four Messages


“Hi, I just read your post about the coffee shop.  Very funny.  OK, that’s it.  It’s cold today.  Bye.”

“Hi, it’s me again.  They’re going to paint the house on Monday.  They’re doing the bathroom in “Lime.”  That’s light green.  They’re doing the living room in “Ivory.”  That’s white.  I don’t know why they call it “Ivory.”  And they’re doing one wall in the kitchen “American Cheese.”  OK, it’s slow at work today.  Bye.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.  “American Cheese” is orange.  Funny, right?  Because I don’t even like American cheese!”

“Hi, I just read your poem.  I didn’t understand it.  What does it mean in English?  Call me.”


A Year Ago in Citizen of the Month:   Why I am Against Interracial Relationships

Changes – Poetry Thursday


This week’s theme at Poetry Thursday is “Changes.”


I change my life
V E R Y  S L O W L Y
like a businessman
stuck in a revolving door
that is so heavy
he grunts and pushes
until his palms are red
and his Wall Street Journal
is on the floor
shredded by the grip
of his shiny black shoe.

I change my life
V E R Y  S L O W L Y
like a Wall Street Journal
from years past
tattered by a shoe
still unread.

The Kevin Federline Concert I Never Attended


This morning, I went to a local coffee shop to have some scrambled eggs and toast. Sophia and I used to go to this place all the time, but after they got a grouchy new manager, Sophia didn’t like it anymore. But I’m a creature of habit, so I sometimes still go there by myself.

When I sat down, Denise, the waitress, waved at me. She has spiky blond hair and has been working on her real estate certificate for seven years.

“Hey there!” she yelled “Haven’t seen you for a while!”

“Been busy.”

It was a lie. I just didn’t have the heart to tell her that Sophia was boycotting the coffee shop.

“You’re a celebrity around here.” she said, coming over to shake my hand. “We all saw you on TV last week.”

“You did?”

“In Long Beach. At that concert of Britney Spears ex-husband.”

I paused, giving myself enough time to scrunch my face in confusion.

“It was you AND your wife.” she continued. “They interviewed you. I recognized your accents. I called up Kathy and said, “Turn on Channel Five. Look who’s on TV!””

“Sorry. That wasn’t us.”

“Sure it was.”

“Maybe it was people who looked like us.”

Denise shook her head, confident in her opinion.

“No, no, no. It was Britney Spear’s ex-husband. What’s his name?”

“Kevin Federline?”

“That’s right. You were at the Kevin Federline concert in Long Beach.”

“I would have remembered that.”

“It was you AND your wife.”

“Maybe Sophia was out with another man.” I joked.

“If she was, it was with someone who looked and sounded just like you!”

Denise beckoned to another waitress.

“Kathy come here!” she screamed across the coffee shop. “Didn’t we see him and his wife on TV?”

“That’s right.” answered Kathy, as she came over, carrying two pots of coffee. “It was Britney Spear’s husband. I saw you being interviewed by the Asian woman on Channel Five.”

“Sorry. It wasn’t me.” I said, trying to make the statement as strong as possible.

“You’ve never been on Pine Avenue in Long Beach?” asked Denise

“I have.”

“So maybe you just don’t remember being at the concert.” she snapped back. “Men are like that. Were you drinking?”

“Men.” spoke Kathy. “Men don’t remember anything other than where to stick it in. Ask your wife. She’ll remember you going.”

“Nah.” I said, finally getting a little annoyed. “I’m pretty sure neither of us was there.”

“Ask her.” said Kathy rather sternly, as she poured me some more coffee. “It was you.”

Blog Flashback: When I was recognized as “Kirk” from the Gilmore Girls

Mister Valentine’s Day


A year ago this week, I wrote a post titled, “Today, We Are All Valentine’s Losers.” In it, I made a offer to my readers. If they revealed in the comments that they were a “Valentine’s Day” Loser (meaning the only card they get is from their mother), I (OR Sophia) would send them a personalized Valentine’s Day email on February 14th in order to give them some love.

It was a great success.

Afterwards, a friendly blogger asked me why I chose to spend my time caring for others who may be less fortunate than myself.

Hold onto your seats because this is going to shock you — I have not always been so lucky to have a beautiful woman at my side on Valentine’s Day (that is if she doesn’t kick me out by next week). Yes, I’ve been there in the past. I clearly remember the shame and misery of being alone on Valentine’s Day.

But times have changed for me. Yes, sir! Now, Valentine’s Day is not about sadness and isolation. It is all about STRESS and INSECURITY. Do you know hard it is for me to deal with Valentine’s Day AND Sophia’s Birthday all in the SAME WEEK?! And I’m always doing something to screw things up. I mean really, what’s wrong with getting flowers on February 15th when the prices are 40% less than the day before?!

Still, I would like to do my part and reach out to those who get down on themselves this time of year, even though the unattached should should be celebrating that you DON’T have to go to some overpriced restaurant. But I understand human nature. The grass is always greener.

I was going to send emails again to whoever wanted it, but I changed my mind. I’d like to do things differently this year.

And I need your help.

Although I recently said I hate IM, I think it also has potential for good, so today I registered for the Yahoo IM account mister_valentinesday. It will only be open for one day, Valentine’s Day. On that day, any lovelorn person can come by and get an “I love you” from a REAL LIVE PERSON, sort of the equivalent of “V-day customer service,” or a “suicide hotline for depressed single people on February 14th.”

But I can’t do it alone. I can’t sit on IM all day. What if no one shows up? But being a generous soul, I still think it is worth it, even if it is just ONE person. But I can only give three hours of my time. So, I would like MORE bloggers to volunteer to take three hour shifts that day on mister_valentinesday. That way, ANYONE who gets too depressed at ANY TIME from 8AM-5PM, can come and get some real live love.

Imagine the scenario —

It is February 14th. You are in your cubicle, your eyes bloodshot from crying all night after you heard that your ex-boyfriend is getting married to your former best friend. Meanwhile, all the men in the office are flirting with the blond in the cubicle next to you and giving her Valentine’s Day cards. Several of her suitors have even sent her bouquets of flowers, and even the delivery guy from FTD asks for her phone number. Cute stuffed animals are all over her desk. And what’s on your desk? — paperwork, a diet Coke, some donuts from Krispy Kreme that will put you over your Weight Watchers point level for the next three months, and a photo of your ex-boyfriend who is marrying your former best friend.

You are at your lowest.

You overhear the phone conversation of some male co-worker sitting nearby, talking to his wife, saying, “I love you honeykins, my little muffinhead… I love you more than the whole wide world!”

You decide your life is worthless. You’re never going to find your soul mate. Even your cats have begun to ignore you. You decide to go into the women’s bathroom, tie a bunch of pantyliners together, and hang yourself with them.

But wait — didn’t you read on Citizen of the Month about some IM address that will be available ALL DAY where someone LIVE will say “I love you” to cheer you up? A yahoo IM address of mister_valentinesday?

“I have a reason to live” you yell, standing at attention. “Someone does love me!”

If WE can help just one blogger on Valentine’s Day, our work will be done. Any volunteers who want to donate three hours of their time?

Short Tales of the Weekend

1) The Tale of our Cellular Service


About two years ago, my mobile service was ATT. The service was pretty bad. At some point, ATT were bought out by Cingular. Although Cingular seemed more organized, Sophia and I were stuck on the old “ATT” plan and Cingular treated us as second class citizens. Their customer service was rude to us on the phone, saying that we weren’t “real” Cingular customers. Eventually, we settled in with Cingular and their spotty service in Redondo Beach, and we were finally accepted as “real” Cingular customers.

On Saturday, we found out Cingular was merged with ATT and the company would be now called ATT again. WTF???????

2) The Tale of the Roomba


Sophia is always complaining that I’m trying to get female readers to love me for my sensitive side, but here’s an example where my sensitivity went too far:

My mother-in-law’s Roomba wasn’t working well, so on Saturday, I brought it home to clean. Sophia decided to test it on our living room floor. She put on the power and then followed the Roomba around as it did its job. There is something addictive about watching the robot as it curves in-and-out under the couch and the chairs. As the Roomba headed for the patio door, it got stuck on the little shag rug we keep in front of the patio in order to wipe our feet. The Roomba kept trying to release itself. It would move forward for a second, bump its head on the glass door, then move back to repeat the same action again and again. Sophia stood there, watching, waiting for it to unravel itself.

It was too much for a sensitive soul like myself.

“Sophia, take him off,” I cried, “He’s HURTING himself!”

3) The Tale of the Car Trunk


Last night, Sophia and I took a walk along the beach. On the way back home, we passed a parked BMW. I noticed that the trunk was slightly ajar, as if the owner didn’t slam it closed hard enough.

“Should I close it for them?” I asked Sophia.

“Sure,” she said. “It’ll prevent people from stealing something.”

Two or three blocks later, I noticed an uncomfortable look on Sophia’s face.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You know, maybe the owner was beaten up and THROWN into the trunk, and now we just suffocated him.”

“You watch WAY TOO MUCH TV,” I said at the time, but I had nightmares all night about the Sopranos.

4) The Tale of the Nice Blogger


Fitena of C’est La Vie send me these beautiful little gifts from Mauritius!

Thank you, Fitena. You are so sweet. One day, I would love to come visit you in person.  I saw on the package that you sent it on December 20th, bu I didn’t receive it until yesterday, February 3rd!  Let’s hear it for the Mauritius and U.S. Postal Services!

5) The Tale of the Super Bowl

Sophia is over at a Super Bowl Party. I’m blogging. Do I have to make believe I care? But I hope Chicago wins for Kevin’s sake. You know someone is a crazed fan when they change their header photo to their favorite team.

A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month: The Photo Shoot



Erica from Sarcastic Fringehead and I have decided to communicate via email using a combination of the old and new — scanned in hand-written notes.   I took a handwriting analysis class in college and the way that Erica signs her name clearly tells me that she is a “freak” in bed.  Anyone else want to reveal their handwriting?

#2Better Safe Than Sorry


For some reason, Better Safe Than Sorry copied Erica’s note, then added her own signature at the end, indicating that she is usually the submissive one in her BDSM relationship.  The “loops” of her “B”‘s and “T”‘s make me believe that she cheats on her taxes.



Roadchick is almost too easy to analyze.  The way she underlines words for emphasis and her use of exclamation points mean she thinks a lot about one thing — threesomes!



Deezee of Confessional Highway has the handwriting of a Zen master, calm and poetic.  The even spacing and the dotted lines show a person who is both emotional, yet focused.    Even when she makes a spelling error, she is careful to point it out to the reader, showing strong ethics and concern for the community.   The flow of the “z” in Deezee indicates a passionate woman, but forget about ever making love to her on the kitchen table!  She is much too much of a neatnik.  Look at those anal-compuslve perfect margins!

#5Caveat Emptor


Sound the bells, ladies!  I think we found the male lover exemplar in Scott of Caveat Emptor.  Look at the gentle rhythm of his cursives, and the way he manipulates the “L”s and “O”s with a flick of his pen.  Have you ever seen a more sexy LOL?   I am so jealous of his skill.  My handwriting just flies all over the place, frequently missing the mark.  His penmanship just oozes Latin lover, and just reading it reminds me of an old Pointer Sisters song:

I want a man with a slow hand
I want a lover with an easy touch
I want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want somebody who will understand
When it comes to love, I want a slow hand

(Note:  Later on, Sophia called him a cheater.  She says it’s Edwardian Script ITC.  Typical man!)

#6Not Faint Hearted at This Journey (Becky)


Becky’s handwriting flows unevenly, expressing some insecurity about herself.   The intensity of the dotted “i”‘s betrays a deep yearning for adventure and sexual freedom, as if she’s a caged tiger needing to be set loose in the jungle.   Ironically, the words “high school” appear like one world, indicating a highly sentimental view of the past.  Clearly, this is a woman who still remembers her “first time” like it was just yesterday.

#7Catharsis Queen


Mo’s handwriting is controlled, but playful.  She likes to include little hearts and “love and kisses” symbols, giving her handwriting the style of a young schoolgirl.   But the strength of her exclamation points show that she is NO schoolgirl.  She is ALL WOMAN.  And when she writes “Love Always,” she means “Love Always,” even if that means some day finding a dead animal in your bed for not returning a phone call.



Leezer is a woman of few words.  The staccato nature of her consonants and her slanted vowels indicate a woman of action.  She doesn’t want talk.  She wants ACTION.  And she’ll give you ACTION — any place, any time, anywhere!

#9Ms. Sizzle


The pleasant curve of the “h” in the word “handwriting” reveals a creative and talented woman who longs for romance, flowers, and long walks on the beach.   The precise loops in the word “swell” illustrates a great love for being spanked.

#10Paperback Writer


Paperback Writer has what we call in the handwriting analysis business as “comma fever.”  Her sentences run on forever, connected with methodically-placed commas.  This is a woman that is like the Energizer bunny, filled with energy, but unfortunately, can never be satisfied by one man. 

#11Hilly of Snackiepoo


Hilly’s note is unique in that the two sentences seem to have been written by two different people.  In the first sentence, the script has a great flow, fluency, and vibrancy, but in the second sentence, the lettering is condensed, and filled with intense exclamations.   This disparity can mean two things:  Hilly is either having PMS or she is a high-maintenance woman who demands a lot of role-playing in the bedroom.  God help her husband.



Gorillabuns’ handwriting is very clear and concise, almost architectural in formation.  The large spaces between each word reveals a hunger for physical and mental space, almost as if she has young children constantly running around the house needing her attention.  The unique ampersand in her note is very telling, indicating a nostalgia for the days before motherhood when there was lovemaking in the house 5-6 times a week, which has now been reduced to a once a month quickie in the closet while the kids are watching Saturday morning cartoons.

#13 — Ash of Stitched in Holland


Expansiveness is the keynote of Ash’s handwriting, and is also the cornerstone for her social relationships.   She thrives in company and hates being left alone.   Her loops are gentle, almost like the flow of water down a river.   Water is important to Ash, and the weak “y”s indicate a woman who is difficult to really know, much as the oceans are dark and mysterious.   However, many of her “relationship problems” with her husband can easily be solved with the purchase of a large “water bed,” where Ash can truly be in her element. 

#14 — Pearl of Pearlies of Wisdom


Pearl’s handwriting shows a playfulness that is very attractive to the eye   The delicate strokes and the even spacing reveals a woman who likes to laugh, takes life lightly, and likes playing practical jokes on people.   The elegant signature is different from the rest of handwriting, and shows a strong need for “alone time.”  Pearl’s fantasy life is very important to her, particularly the fantasy where her new rabbi turns out to be none other than Fabio.

#15 — Lefty of Long Relief


Lefty’s handwriting is difficult to decipher, and I might need more training for this one.   The chaotic space indicates that he is an impulsive man who lives for the moment.   Perhaps the most intriguing element of his writing is the secondary comments that he adds to his loops, such as “revenge,” “die die die,” and “torture small animals.”  While I’m not sure exactly what the subtext of all this means, it shows that Lefty has many interests and hobbies, and is probably a good friend.

#16Charming but Single


Charming’s rapid-fire loops and blunt “t”‘s reveal that, at the time of writing, she was suffering from mild stress. This may be temporary, for example, if she was upset, tired, or working against a deadline.   Another possiblilty is extreme arousal, as exemplified by the sensual, curved question mark.   Handwriting professionals call this type of arousal “subject transference.”  This occurs when a writer becomes very sexually stimulated by writing about a certain subject or person.  The result is an intensity of the handwriting that isn’t normally there.   Although I am not at liberty to reveal who this note is addressed to, it is apparent that just thinking about this person is bringing this female writer “over the edge.”

#17 — Danny from Jew Eat Yet


Danny’s use of green ink is very interesting, showing ambition and an insatiable need for money and power.  The exaggerated spacing between the words is common to many type A-personalities writers who don’t care how many bodies they have to walk over or how many associates they have to stab in the back to get one of their pieces accepted in the New York Times.  Danny’s signature contains a tiny bit of Asian typography, signifying Danny’s well-known attraction to the model-thin Thai waitresses at Chan Dara Restaurant in Hollywood.

#18 — Claire from Taller Than Average Tales


In her note, Claire is kind enough to “link” to an exhibit of illustrated letters from the Smithsonian (currently at the Norman Rockwell Museum), but Claire’s handwriting is a fascinating specimen itself.  The erratic nature of the slants shows her to be overly-concerned with concealment.  She is attempting to cover up, and keep aspects of his personality or private life hidden from view or cloaked in mystery.   Ironically, the overly-dramatic loops of the “y”‘s reveal a secret attraction to exhibitionism and nude sunbathing. 

(check out some of the cool illustrated letters from the Smithsonian.  Thanks, Claire!)

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