the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Month: June 2006 (Page 3 of 3)

Goats Around the World


I have no idea whether anyone is interested in this other than me, but I found it fascinating that different cultures “hear” animal sounds in completely different ways. 

And it’s my blog, so I’ll post about it anyway.

This is how goats sound around the world:

    Afrikaans: mê-mê
    Albanian: me-e me-e
    Arabic (Algeria): maa maa
    Arabic (Morocco): maaaazz
    Catalan: bée
    Croatian: meee-heee
    Danish: mæh
    Dutch: mèèh
    English: baaah
    French: bêêê
    German: mähh, mähh
    Hebrew: meeee meeee
    Hindi: me:-me:
    Indonesian: mbek
    Korean: um-meeeee
    Norwegian: mæ
    Polish: meee, meee
    Russian: mee
    Spanish (Spain): bee bee
    Swedish: bää
    Thai: bae bae (with high tone)
    Turkish: be-e-e-eh be-e-e-eh
    Ukrainian: me-me

I found the information at this terrific site.

Did you know that Hebrew speakers hear dogs go “Hav Hav?”

Why Gay Marriage Should be Banned


When times are tough, you sometimes take jobs you might not ordinarily sign on to. I don’t think of it as selling out. I think of it as making money. Here’s a Public Service Announcement I’m writing for a conservative think-tank:

Why Gay Marriage Should be Banned


“Gay” activists want you to think that President Bush’s proposed Constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is a way to brand “lesbian and gay men as inferior individuals.” This is absolutely untrue. President Bush deeply respects individuals of all cultures and orientations.

President Bush, like most Americans, wants to keep the concept of marriage strong.

As the President recently said on his radio address:

“Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and a wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society. Marriage cannot be cut off from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening this good influence on society.”

Most Americans agree that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

And for good reason.

If we open up the idea of marriage to “same sex” marriage, we open up a Pandora’s Box. The concept of marriage will become completely diluted. It’s a slippery slope.

If two men can marry, what’s to stop a man from marrying a goat?

Think about it — is a man+goat marriage really the best way to raise children?

Let’s listen in, as this so-called “family” goes on a traditional summer road trip to see the wonders of Mount Rushmore.



A family is travelling on the highway to Mount Rushmore. The “family” consists of a husband, his wife (a goat), and their teenage daughter. There is tension in the car.

Husband: “…I know where I’m going. I can read a map.”

Wife: “Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “I’m not asking for directions. I know where I’m going.”

Wife: “Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “Sara, you’re giving me a headache. Let me drive.”

Daughter: “Daddy, I’m Bleeeeh!… hungry!”

Husband: “You’ll have to wait, Veronica. We’ll stop for a burger soon.”

Wife: “Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “Sara, enough with the goat cheese. I don’t care if you’re a vegetarian.”

Wife: “Bleeeeh! Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “@#%$@!!!”

Daughter: “Stop fighting! Stop fighting!”

Wife: “Bleeeeh! Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “@#%$@!!!”

Daughter: “I hate you! I hate you Bleeeeh!….both of you! I wish I had regular parents!”

Wife: “Bleeeeh! Bleeeeh! Bleeeeeh!”

Husband: “A divorce?! Again with this divorce?

Wife: “Bleeeeh!”

Husband: “My mother was right. I should have never married you. Why didn’t I vote for that Constitutional amendment years ago defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman! My life could have been completely different! I could have been happy!”

Wife: “Bleeeeh!”


Is this the America you really want? Do we really want men marrying men and men marrying goats?

Support President Bush and the majority of Americans in calling for the ratification of this essential amendment to our Constitution.


A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month: American Woman

The Joy of 666


Today is June 6, 2006 or 6/6/06 or 666.  Whichever way you read it, today is clearly the scariest day EVER.  It is the day of the Beast.  The Apocalypse.  It is also the perfect day to sit around the blogging campfire and tell terrifying stories about the Devil.  So, grab the edge of your seat — all of you with hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (fear of the number 666) — and let’s begin this devilish tale:

The Devil and Neilochka  by Neil Kramer

I was feeling depressed, and even Wellbutrin didn’t help.  My marriage was in shambles.  My career was going nowhere.  Suddenly, Satan appeared in a pillar of smoke, like Bon Jovi at a rock concert from 1990.

“Neilochka,” he said.  “How would you like to have all your dreams fulfilled?   Love, success, everything?

“Sounds great,” I said.

“But there’s one hitch.  You have to sell me your soul.”


Satan handed me a contract.  I looked at it and quickly signed it.

Years passed.  My marriage with Sophia flourished.  The top five best-selling novels were all written by me.   The top single in America was my song, “Sophia.”  Dooce quit blogging to become my typist and foot masseuse.   Life was perfect.

One day, there was a knock on the door.  It was Satan.

“Hello, Neilochka,” he said.

“Oh, hi, Satan.   I’m sorry.  You surprised me.   I’m having a little dinner party tonight and I was expecting Gore Vidal, Scarlett Johannson, or Mikhail Gorbachev.”

“I’m here for my payment.  You owe me your soul.”

“Oh, right.  Sure.  I’ll be right back.”

I left Satan at the door.  In a few minutes, I returned carrying a large platter of Fillet of Sole Florentine, one of Sophia’s best dishes.

“But you know, Satan, you’re really putting me in a jam.  What is Sophia going to serve for dinner now?”

 “Neilochka, you must be confused.  I don’t want this sole. I want your soul.”

“Oh yeah?”

I took out Satan’s contract and unrolled the scroll. 

“Look here, Satan — it says here:  ‘When I return in 5 years time, ewe must give me your sole.’  So, do you want it or not?”

Satan pounded his fist against his leg.

“Darn it!  My bad spelling foiled me again!”

Satan looked pretty down on himself.

“It’s your own fault” I said.  “Maybe if you had spent more time studying in school rather than doing evil deeds, you would have become a better speller.”

“This is not the only time I’ve screwed up.  Just last week I couldn’t collect on a contract with this guy, because it said that June 4-th will be the last “sundae” of his life.  And then I signed it “Prints of Darkness.”

I could tell his self-esteem was shot.   I quietly thanked Mrs. Goldfarb, my first grade teacher, for teaching me about the importance of spelling.  I looked over at Satan and felt pity.  Sure he was evil, but he was only doing his job.

“You know.  We have plenty of food for another guest tonight.  Sophia is an excellent cook. Oh, and I also have last week’s Scripps National Spelling Bee on Tivo.  I think you might enjoy it.”

Satan was surprised by the offer.  I guess he doesn’t get invited over too much because of his really bad breath.

“Is Scarlett Johannson really coming to dinner?  She has great knockers!”

“Tell me about it, you devil!”

We both laughed.  It was good to see some color coming back into his face.  I showed Satan into the living room. 

“Hey, Sophia,” I yelled into the kitchen.  “Add another setting.  Satan’s in the house!”

Spain is Cleaner than Portugal


Sunday began like many Sundays before.  I was over at Sophia’s.   We were sitting on the couch, the Los Angeles Time spread out before us like a buffet of information — fascinating articles on politics, culture, business, and books at at our fingertips.  We were deep in discussion on one of the day’s pressing issues:

Neil:  “So, you’re saying — there were times you were with me  — in bed — where you would choose a bowl of onion soup over an orgasm?”

Sophia:  “It’s really hard to find a good onion soup in Los Angeles…”

Neil:  “I’ve never heard anything so crazy in…”

The conversation was cut short by the phone ringing.  It was my mother calling from Queens, just back from her bus trip through Spain and Portugal!”

Sophia:  (to my mother)  “Hold on, Mom.  Neil’s getting the other line, so we can both talk to you.”

I ran to the kitchen and picked up the other phone.

Neil:  “Mom!  How are you doing?! 

Mom:  Fine.  Fine.  I just walked in.  I’m a little confused about the time.  I had breakfast this morning, then took a plane to Italy, where they served us breakfast.  Then on the plane from Italy to home, they served us breakfast again.  So, I had three breakfasts today!  Isn’t that hilarious?

Neil:  “Yeah, yeah.  So, how was the trip?!   Tell us everything!”

Mom:  “Oh, it was very nice.   The people on the bus were very nice.  We sat next to Joyce and Ed, a couple from Canada.  They were an Arab couple from Toronto, but very nice.  And then, behind them was this family from Mexico.  Very wealthy.  And they knew Spanish, so they were always helping everyone buy postcards and tschotchkes in the souvenir stores.  And then there were these two adorable girls, Jennifer and Tracy, who just graduated from high school and they got the trip as graduation presents. One of them even let me us her music Pod thing!” 

Sophia:  “What about Madrid?  Did you like…”

Mom:  “Hold on…hold on… and then there was Florence and Angela, this mother and daughter from Georgia.  At first, I thought they were sisters because the mother looked so young.   Black woman over fifty always look so young!  And then there was Tony and Hans. a gay couple from California.  They were so funny, always making jokes.  I gave them your phone number because they travel to Los Angeles a lot.   Oh, and then there was Roger and Anne, a very nice couple from London who were on their honeymoon.  It was a second marriage for both of them.  Roger’s first wife died.  It was very sad.  But Anne was their nurse, so it’s funny how life can bring people together.”

Neil:  “Did you go to Toledo?”

Mom:  “Wait…and there was another Jewish woman from Chicago, Shirley, my age, and she was very nice.  She knew a lot about Jewish history in Spain because she used to be a teacher.  And she really hit it off with this Indian man, Raj, who was travelling alone for the first time because his wife died in a car accident a few years ago.  We even think Shirley and Raj became boyfriend-girlfriend a bit during the trip.  You should see how nicely Raj was dressed all the time.  Always in a suit and tie…”

Sophia:  “Mom, OK, OK, we get it.  There were nice people on the bus.”

Neil:  “Yeah.  Tell us about Spain.  Portugal.  What did you see?  What did you like?”

Mom:  “Who remembers?   Every place is jumbled together.  But I did notice that Spain is a lot cleaner than Portugal.”

Bloggers with Biceps – Week Two


If I told you that I went to the 24 Hour Fitness in Hermosa Beach on Saturday afternoon and their lights were out, making it difficult to exercise, would you believe me?  Or does it sound like the schoolboy’s excuse of  “my dog ate my homework.”

Well, their lights were out — honestly — and I was about to leave, when I asked myself:

“What would Billy Blanks, world-renowned fitness expert and creator of Tae Bo, do?”

I realized that I must exercise, no matter what the obstacles! 

So, I exercised in the dark (well, since it was afternoon, there was plenty of light from the windows, but I wanted to paint the scene as dramatic as possible for you).

I tried the elliptical machines, but after I felt like I was going to drop dead, I went back to the treadmill.  I’m still exploring the weight machines.  I think I like using dumbbells more than these machines.  It’s simpler and I’m less apt to overcompensate with my stronger arm.  

It’s still pretty hard for me to go 2X a week, but the peer pressure is helping.  I procrastinated as usual, not finishing my time until Sunday night.

But I did accomplish my two hours for week two!

Anyone need to humiliate themselves here?

How to Become My “Crush of the Day”


On my last post, Eekat asked a very important question in the comments:

What does it TAKE to become your crush of the day, anyway?

It occured to me that while I was blabbing on about my blogroll and ways to improve my relationships with my blogging-pals, I never fully explained how my “crush of the day” works.  I would love to explain the complicated mathematical formula —

comments x 3+posts/x-Blogger+%blinking banners-y/words in comment+/-profile photo = crush of the day

— but it is probably over most bloggers’ heads, so I won’t get into the details.

 But it is possible to increase your odds.

 Here are ten ways to insure yourself a position as a Crush of the Day.

1.  Write a comment on my blog using the phrase, “You are a genius.”

2.  Find me a really good job or literary agent.

3.  Email me nude photos of yourself. (women only)

4.  Join “Bloggers with Biceps,” forget to exercise, and donate twenty dollars to me.

5.  Name your newly born son Neilochka.

6.  Name your newly bought vibrator Neilochka. (women only)

7.  Convince Dooce to comment on my blog, saying “My blog sucks compared to this.” 

8.  Start a site titled “Sexiest Men on the Blogosphere” and only list me.

9.  Be related to someone important.

10.  Threaten me.

Blogging Talk #2


I remember when I started blogging, I promised myself that I would never write about “blogging.” Could there be a subject more boring? God help us when the first movie about bloggers comes out. The studios love to make movies about current trends (breakdancing movies, anyone?) Warner Bros., please don’t make a blogging movie with Reese Witherspoon as a young blogger who falls in love with blah blah blah!

Unfortunately for you, the more I blog, the more I’ve become interested in the actual subject matter of blogging.

So, here are three weekend blogging thoughts, sort of a sequel to my earlier post on blogging tools:



What are these banner things? I’ve been blogging for more than a year, and I’m still not sure what most of these banners are for. Question for those who are involved in these groups:

“Does anyone actually come to your site from “Blog Universe” or “Blogtopsites?””

Blogarama? Blogwise? Bloggernity? Blogstreet? What the hell is all this crap? Frankly, I don’t trust any button that blinks on and off. And if you want more readers, isn’t it easier to just steal contacts from other blogrolls?

So, what’s the buzz, are any of these groups worth joining?



Let’s talk about readership. Recently I got an email from a new blogger saying how lucky I was that I had all these readers. While I’m honored (I mean truly honored) to have people come to my site, I was just as happy when I had three readers. In fact, too many bloggers around makes me anxious. I’m trying to be creative. Who needs all these other “creative” people hanging around making me feel insecure?

My biggest problem is that I enjoy writing. That means I’m like a hermit. I’m not used to interacting with hot blogging babes all the way from Indonesia! There’s just too many cool bloggers out there to meet and talk with. It all begins to feels like a huge party where you’re supposed to circulate yourself from person to person, making chit-chat. I’m terrible at parties. I usually talk to one person all night. I’m the type a guy who meets a woman, and stays married to her for nine years until she throws me out. I’ve already written about my total disinterest in ever having a menage a trois. Dealing with one woman is hard enough. I struggle sometimes making blogging a more intimate experience for me and for my bloggers-friends. Sometimes I wish for more interaction other than snippy comments back and forth. Maybe it’s just asking too much from blogging. It is what it is.

I recently moved my entire blogroll to a separate page and started doing a “Crush of the Day.” This has greatly lessened my anxiety. I can make believe that I’m having coffee and bagels with just one person at a cool diner, rather than in the middle of a wild party with drunken bloggers taking their tops off. I mean, that could be fun too, but NOT every day.



One problem I’m always having while blogging is remembering where I commented on. For instance, let’s create this scenario:

Sam writes a post about his beloved grandmother. I read his post and love it. I write this comment:

“Hey, Sam, your grandmother sounds cool. How old is she now?”

Sam is impressed that I cared about his grandmother. He writes a long comment all about his wonderful grandmother. And you know what — I forget to go back. I completely forget that I wrote that question. Sam notices in his stats that I never came back. He starts bad-mouthing me to every blogger in town, saying, “Neilochka is a lying phony asshole who hates my grandmother!.” My reputation gets ruined.

A few days ago, I came across two free online applications that follow your comments, so you can keep track of where you have been — Cocomment (review) and Co.mments (review). They sound like they could be useful. But I’m pretty slow in trying new things out (I still don’t have an iPod), so I mention this, hoping that some geeky guy like Kevin will try it out first and report back. The only bad thing about these “comment” followers is that, like with the cellphone, there’s no more excuses anymore for not answering back.

I will actually have to care about your boring grandmother.

A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month: Russian Porn: First We Shovel Snow

Everybody Loves a Baby


This week’s Poetry Thursday assignment was to read your poem out loud. I read my poem to a few women in my neighborhood, and they all hated it. For some reason, it made me like it even more.

Everybody Loves a Baby

Everybody loves a baby
That’s the title of this piece
I heard this conversation (maybe)
While visiting my niece:

“Look at my little Beatrice
Isn’t she a gem?
She’s really quite angelic
She’ll surely voting Dem.

Her hair’s just like the hubby’s,
So fiery and red.
And don’t you love the Yankees cap
That’s sitting on her head?”

Now, as I watched this drama
I bit my lower lip.
I prayed for the overpriced stroller
To hit a rock and flip.

You see: I hate all babies,
And I mean every single tot!
All they’re really good for
Is dripping yucky snot.

That Beatrice, she looked stupid
I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.
And in that NY Yankees cap
She was ugly as Babe Ruth.

Babies are like homeless
They beg and beg for more
They don’t pay any taxes
They puke all over the floor.

I know I sound grouchy
With this tantrum, with my snit.
But my mother gave me formula
And this little brat gets tit.

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