What’s on my mind this evening — the night of my first post? It’s the future. My future.
I see it so clearly.
I’m a very spry 100 year old man, thanks to medical advances and the ability of the medical establishment to take chances with modern patient care. Who knew that the diet supplement Trimspa would end up eradicating most illnesses from the world?
I’m in my home of the future. My grandson, Bar Code #466408736664, sits at my side, browsing the internet in eye-scan mode (using the latest upgraded Intel mini-chip in his brain — the PC having disappeared decades earlier).. Suddenly, he tells me that he’s at the Coca-Cola digi-Archives site (formerly the Library of Congress) and viewing this very first post that you are currently reading.
At that moment, I will be an old man remembering the early days of the Internet. The 56K modem. Netscape. Those AOL disks falling out of every magazine. That first illegal MP3. That first post on the blog.
"Grandpa," #466 says with a twinkle in his eye. "Man, grandpa, this post really sucks."
And just then, I realize that it isn’t a twinkle in his eye, but a reaction to one of those synthetic drugs he’s been taking at school. I laugh, remembering how I was drunk while writing that first post.
"He’d grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me."
By then, we can be selling those AOL cds on Ebay for a lot of money. Hold on to them!
Your first post was better than mine. Just saying.